




KappaX is a powerful tool that allows users to create interactive experiences without writing a single line of code. One of its key features is the ability to create actions that make elements interactive and define the flow of the experience. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to write actions in KappaX using the 'Click' event as an example.

Getting Started

The first step in writing actions in KappaX is to select a layer and switch to the logic panel. This is where you'll write your actions and define the behavior of your interactive elements.

Select the 'Click' event and add a logic block.

Next, select the 'Click' event and add a logic block. This is where you'll write your actions using simple English sentences.


Selecting the Action Verb

In the actions section, you'll see suggestions of various action verbs. Choose an action verb that describes the behavior you want the layer to exhibit when clicked. On selecting an action verb, KappaX suggests the list of elements to which it can be applied. If there is only one layer defined for the action verb selected, KappaX will autoselect the layer.


Writing Actions

Now, it's time to write your actions. Think about the behavior you want your element to exhibit when clicked and write a simple English sentence describing that behavior. For example, you might write an action like 'Hide Header', 'Play MainVideo', or 'Set X of img to 0px and width to 900px'. You can write multiple actions in the same block.


Preview the Actions

Finally, it's time to preview and check your actions. Click on the preview button and then click on the layer you've written the logic for. You should see your actions in action! If everything works as expected, you're good to go.

On this page

Getting Started

Selecting the Action Verb

Writing Actions

Preview the Actions