



Video layer

In this article, we will explore the exciting video element, and how to manipulate its properties to make engaging and interactive videos. It's a unique feature that sets KappaX apart from other products.

Video Layer3

Pro Tip

The 'Time' event of the video layer is used very often to perform various actions such as showing hotspots for a shoppable video experience or showing a list of products. You can also show experience guides timed by video. The possibilities are endless with this video event.

Accessing the Video Layer

Let's get started by selecting the video element from the top bar and dragging it onto the artboard. At this point, it's simply a placeholder as there isn't any media assigned to it yet.

Video Layer1

Assigning Media to the Video Layer

Assuming you've already uploaded some media to the content library of KappaX, you can click on the select media icon in the property panel to assign the media to the video element.

Video Layer2

Manipulating Properties

Once the media is assigned, you can manipulate various properties of the video element from the property panel. You can resize the video, give it a corner radius, control the opacity, add a border, and apply various transitions. You can even decide if you want the video to be muted or unmuted by default.

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Video Events

The video element is unique and different from other elements in KappaX. It offers a wide range of events that you can use to take interactivity to the next level. These events include:

  1. Time: To access the current time of the video.
  2. Play: To execute actions when the video is played.
  3. Pause: Executes actions when the video is paused.
  4. Seek: You can show a loader in case of a bad network.
  5. Seek complete: You can hide the loader after the seek action is successfully executed.
  6. The video element also has Click, Show, and Hide events like other elements in KappaX.

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The video element in KappaX offers endless possibilities to create dynamic and engaging video experiences. So why not give it a try and see how it can take your creativity to the next level?

On this page

Pro Tip

Accessing the Video Layer

Assigning Media to the Video Layer

Manipulating Properties

Video Events