



Getting started

Welcome to the world of KappaX, an innovative platform that allows you to create, collaborate and publish your projects with ease. In this article, we will cover the basics of KappaX, including how to navigate the platform, create a new project, and publish your project. So, let's get started!

Console Walkthrough

After logging in to your account, you will land on the KappaX console. Here, you can access all your projects and workspaces. By default, it opens your personal workspace, but you can switch to other workspaces by clicking on the dropdown menu. 

Your projects are organized in 4 tabs - Recent, Personal, Archives, and Shared with me. 

  1. Recent tab displays the projects you've edited in chronological order.
  2. Personal tab shows all the projects you own.
  3. Archives tab is where all your inactive projects will reside, so you can declutter your workspace.
  4. Shared with me tab displays projects that others have invited you to collaborate on.

Creating a New Project

To create a new project, simply click on the "New Project" button. Give your project a name and description, and you're done! Once you've created your project, click on the project card to open the project preview section. Here, you'll see an empty screen, waiting for you to fill it with your project.

New Project

Open Project in Editor

  1. Select the aspect ratio of the artboard.
    Aspect Ratio
  2. Upload the media assets in the content library of this project. To know how to upload media to the content library, follow this link.
    Content Library1
  3. Switch back to the layer panel and now add an image layer and assign it media by adjusting the required dimensions.
    Layout 1
  4. Next, add a video element to the artboard, adjust its dimensions & coordinates and assign a media to it.Layout 2
  5. Now, create a button by adding the text element to the artboard. Give it a look of a button by adding a corner radius and applying a fill color to it. Select the desired font and weightage.
    Layout 3
  6. We are done with the basic layout, now let’s add some interactivity to these elements.

Layer naming tip

The layer names are displayed in the "Interaction Pattern" section on the Project Analytics Dashboard. To ensure clarity for individuals who haven't worked on the project, it's crucial to assign descriptive and understandable names to your layers.

Adding Interactivity to the Layers

  1. Select the text layer & switch to the logic panel. 
  2. Select the ‘Click’ event from the dropdown. To know in detail about events in KappaX, follow this link.
  3. Now, add a new logic block and in the actions, write, “Play Main Video” and “Hide Donut Img”.
  4. Next, select the video layer & under the ‘Time’ event we’ll check if the current time of the video is equal to 7 sec then, in actions, "Show Donut Img"Logic2
  5. Let’s add one more action. Select the image layer and under the ‘Click’ event we write actions: “Pause Main Video” and “Hide Header”.
  6. Preview the experience by clicking on the play icon and see the logic executing.

Publishing Your Project

Now that you have made the project, it's time to publish it. 

The first step to publishing a project is creating a named version. Switch to the version panel and create a new named version. 

Named Version

Now, Click on the "Share" button in the top right corner and select the “Publish” option. This will redirect you to a new tab where you can publish this project and it is ready to be shared with the world. To know how to publish a project in detail, follow this link.


Kappa Tip

Be mindful while assigning an “Editor Role “ to someone. They can edit anything on your project. To know more about roles & permissions, follow this link.


On this page

Console Walkthrough

Creating a New Project

Open Project in Editor

Layer naming tip

Adding Interactivity to the Layers

Publishing Your Project

Kappa Tip